GLS 2018

Die ‘Global Leadership Summit’ is ‘n groot gebeurtenis wat elke jaar in my gemeente aangebied word. Ek het die geleentheid nog nooit vantore bygewoon nie, en sou dit waarskynlik ook nie hierdie jaar gedoen het nie. Totdat my dertienjarige dogter versoek het dat sy die geleentheid wou bywoon, dat sy, om die waarheid te sê, dink dat God wil hê sy moet dit bywoon. Soos dit ‘n goeie ma betaam, het ek nie teëgepraat nie. Die enigste kinkel in die kabel was dat haar bywoning van die geleentheid sou impliseer dat sy een skooldag sou misloop. Toe ek dit met haar skoolhoof bespreek, was hy dadelik geneë dat sy mag gaan – hy het die leierskapsberaad self op ‘n vorige geleentheid bygewoon. Die kaartjies, moet ek bysê, was nie goedkoop nie, maar na afloop van die geleentheid het ek geweet, dit is elke sent werd.

Die geleentheid was besonders, ek en my dogter is vas van plan om dit voortaan elke jaar by te woon. Iemand beskryf dit agterna as ‘n geestelike ‘facelift’. Vir ‘n kollega beskryf ek, ‘dit is soos om van buite af uit te kyk op jou werksituasie, en nuwe perspektief te kry oor hoe om elke dag te hanteer’. Die lesings was relevant, die aanbiedings entoesiasties, en die beraad, in die geheel gesien, uiters inspirerend. Ons is goed bederf met tee-happies en middagetes, en ons het gedeel in heerlike lofprys-sessies. En soos wat verwag kan word, was dit ‘n absolute hoogtepunt om die geleentheid met my tienerdogter te deel. Na die beraad deel sy die volgende op sosiale media: ‘The leadership summit is now over, but my story and my journey has just begin’.

Vervolgens dan ‘n kort opsomming van die verskillende sprekers, en elkeen se gedagtes wat my aandag gevang het.

Graig Groeschel van Life Church, waar die bekende ‘YouVersion’ Bybel toepassing vir selfone ontwikkel is:
‘A humble leader can learn from anyone’
‘If we delegate tasks, we create followers, but if we delegate authoriy, we create leaders’
‘Good leaders don’t have to be perfect, but they have to be real’.

T.D. Jakes, bekende pastoor:
‘You will learn more out of losing, that you can ever learn out of winning’
‘Eagles learn to fly by falling’.

Strive Masiyiwa, bekende filantroop en stigterslid van die Econet groep:
‘What we say, show what is coming out of our hearts – even on social media’
‘A long-term goal depends on your availability to live consistently, day by day’
‘Give long-term vision to your staff spoon by spoon, otherwise you’ll choke them’.

David Livermore, president van ‘Cultural Intelligence Centre:
‘To what degree can I explain this situation by their point of view?’
‘Help me to understand what is going on in here, in relation to your culture’

Juliet Funt, CEO van WhiteSpace at Work:
‘Nobody change till everybody change – so nobody change’
‘Everything that bothers you at work, is 50% your fault until you do something about it. Take one, safe contrary action;.
‘Legacy is the story about me that yet have to be written, but for which I hold the pen’

Denielle Strickland van die ‘Salvation Army’
‘If power is a tool, how am I using it’
‘Start now and start with yourself’
‘Men and women are better together’

Danny Meyer, bekende restaurateer:
‘The road to success is paved with failures, well-handled.’
‘How did I make you feel when I rendered a service to you’
‘It is irrelevant who is right or who is wrong, what matters is that the customer feels that he is heard’
‘Doing the basics is sometimes very hard’
‘Skunk-mentality: if you get angry or afraid, you spray it onto others’

God’s goodness is limited only to the amount of jars that we can bring to Him. Stop worrying about if God will provide in all of your needs. Instead worry if we have enough jars to bring to Him.

John C. Maxwell, bekende leierskap mentor, een van my gunsteling sessies van die leierskapsberaad:
‘Leaders see more than others see, they see before others see’
‘If you are still excited about what you did five years ago, you did not grow’
‘Do not ask: how long will it take, ask: how far can I go’
‘The ceiling of my potential is the floor of God’s room’
‘Do something so big that people says: ‘that is far more than his abilities – that must be God working’

Carla Harris, bekende in finansiële kringe:
‘Embrace that which is uniquely you. Most people are not comfortable in their own skin – they will be drawn to the authentic you’
‘Spend some time just with you. Spend some time knowing who you are. Meet people where they are’
‘The price of inaction if greater than the cost of making a mistakes – make the decision’
‘Everybody values to be heard. I see you. I hear you’
‘Get the people’s fingerprint on the plan. Give everybody the chance to be a part of the success of the the future’
‘At the crossroads in life: I know where I am now, this is what NO looks like. Why would’nt I take YES?!’

Rasmus Ankerson, bekende outeur:
‘Listen to that nagging feeling to act on an issue’
‘Leadership happen when ordinary people take active responsibility for the community’
‘In too many organisations, the emphasis is on comfort, not in improvement’

Erwin McManus, my gunsteling sessie van die dag. Stigterslid van die Mosic kerk in Los Angeles, met sy nuutste boek ‘The Last Arrow’
‘The greatest battles that we fight, is the ones within us’
‘Your freedom is on the other side of your fear. Your greatness is on the other side of your pain. Your fear establishes the boundaries of your freedom. Your pain is not the boundaries of your limitation. Your pain is the boundary of your greatness. Pain is where greatness begin’
‘The only proof of life after death, is life before death’
‘Your faith does’nt make life easier. Your faith makes you stronger’

Dr Nthabiseng Legoete, stigterslid van Quali Health klinieke
‘If you do nothing today, you cannot complain that nothing has changed tomorrow’
‘The focus needs to be on the what and the why – never on the how’

Simok Sinek, bekende outeur:
‘How can I create an environment in which my people can do their best’
‘Your cause should drive your decisions’
‘Why am I here?’
‘What legacy do you want to leave behind?’

Die eerste spreker, Graig Groeschel van Life Church, sluit af met die laaste uiters inspirerende gedagtes van die dag:
‘When you see a problem, train yourself to think opportunity’
‘Innovation is seeing what everyboday see, and think what nobody thinks’
‘In church, people neeeds to be needed, and people needs to be known’
‘There should be a little less Jesus in me, and a lot more Jesus in ‘we’
‘We are not save from… we are saved for…’

Ek het ‘n ryker, dieper mens hier uitgestap. Dankie!

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1 Responses to GLS 2018

  1. Toortsie sê:

    Dankie vir hierdie inspirerende bloginskrywing. Ek het dadelik gaan kyk wanneer dit volgende jaar plaasvind. Ek sal dit graag wil bywoon.

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